Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – 10/21/16

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This week was marked by the final debate between the two major Presidential candidates. Have a listen to The Gregory Brothers and Weird Al Yankovic perform Bad Hombres, Nasty Women: The Presidential Debate in Song while perusing our curated nonprofit tweets of the week:

  • Nonprofit Times: “It’s that kind of collaboration that makes these investigations possible.” #nonprofit #NASCO #philanthropy [Ed. The NAAG/NASCO Conference was held this week with Monday being the day the public was invited to this important conference of state charity officials from across the country.]
  • Vu: Collective impact: Voltron Vs. The Borg
  • NPR: The Clinton Foundation & the Trump Foundation have become political targets — but they have very little in common. NPR
  • FastCoExist: “Big bet” philanthropy can pay off remarkably, but remember it’s a bet
  • La Piana Consulting: New on our blog: @AnneWallestad shares insights on the future of board leadership  @BoardSource @MakmoodyNOLA
  • Nonprofit Times: In nonprofit mergers, leaders must pay attention to cultural alignment, pre-merger + during integration process –
  • Social Innovation: What does it mean to merge nonprofit organizations out of strength rather than weakness? Ideas from @shirleysagawa
  • Philanthropy: In opinion: Why we should urge the next president to create an office for nonprofits
  • Gene: Free Market Philanthropy: GoFundMe Is Changing The Way People Give To Causes Big And Small Forbes #crowdfunding
  • Alliance for Justice: #Debate started with #SCOTUS and didn’t end there- the Court affects nearly every aspect of our lives  #AFJDebates