Program: Duties and Responsibilities of Serving on a Nonprofit Board – Feb 24

Cherie Evans, Evans & Rosen LLP, and I will be presenting a program on nonprofit governance for the Barristers Club, Bar Association of San Francisco on Wednesday, February 24, 2010, from noon to 1:30 p.m.  The focus will be on issues facing board members of public charities, and we'll be discussing relevant laws and their application to these issues.

With the goal of not presenting identical programs each year, we continue to tweak the format.  Last year, exempt organizations attorney Sheila Warren sang the parody "Hey There, Director" to raves from the audience.  This year … well, you'll have to come by to find out.  Hint:  we'll be presenting with much Glee.

Cost is $25 for nonprofit directors and employees.  Brown bag lunch.  

Bar Association of San Francisco
301 Battery Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA  94111

Hope to see you there!

More information and online registration here.