Stronger Together – A Conference for California’s Nonprofit Leaders



The second annual Stronger Together Nonprofit Conference will be in Los Angeles on Monday, August 24. Certain to be among the highlights are Jan Masaoka‘s session on changes in nonprofit overhead, Jeanne Bell‘s session on creating a theory of change, and the keynote by Eric Holt-Gimenez on the food justice movement. Other sessions focus on risk management, HR 101 issues, sustainability from an auditor’s perspective (presented by my wonderful colleague on the CompassPoint board Tonetta Connor), cyber security, the organization’s role in work-life balance, implementation of a minimum wage increase, succession planning, volunteer management, and policy advocacy.

Three strong partners are working together on the second annual nonprofit conference for California with leading edge content and exceptional presenters in leadership, strategy, advocacy, and risk management.

The Nonprofits Insurance Alliance of California (NIAC) is itself a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that serves only other 501(c)(3) organizations. Its mission is two-fold: (1) to provide a stable source of liability insurance tailored to the specialized needs of the nonprofit sector, and (2) to assist its members with programs, tools and training that minimize their risk [and] protect their clients, employees and volunteers.

We have demonstrated over 26 years that nonprofits can more effectively and efficiently insure themselves by pooling their risks. Working together, we have returned $180 million to the nonprofit sector, funds that otherwise would have become profits for the insurance industry. Please join us. We are stronger together!

The California Association of Nonprofits (CalNonprofits) is a statewide alliance of nearly 10,000 organizations, representing and promoting California’s growing nonprofit sector. CalNonprofits works to bring the full power of nonprofits to strengthening communities.

As an alliance of nonprofits, a crucial role for CalNonprofits is to advance public policies that support a healthy nonprofit ecosystem. We focus on elevating your voice to policy makers, philanthropy, and the public; and strengthening your ability to advocate on behalf of your community.

CompassPoint Nonprofit Services‘s mission is to increase the impact of nonprofit community-based organizations and the people who work and volunteer in them. It pursues this mission by: (1) delivering a range of high-impact capacity-building services to community-based organizations and the individuals working and volunteering in them, (2) continuously refining these services based on what clients tell us they need and our own informed experiences in the field, and (3) staying abreast of and helping to shape current best practices and paradigms in nonprofit capacity building.

CompassPoint intensifies the impact of fellow nonprofit leaders, organizations, and networks as we achieve social equity together. We believe that nonprofit organizations and leaders need relevant support that builds on their strengths, experiences, and achievements and that those individuals and organizations that invest in increasing their leadership and management capacities are better poised to achieve progress.