Why You Need a Social Media Policy – Social Media for Nonprofits


I had the pleasure of presenting "Why You Need a Social Media Policy" at the Social Media for Nonprofits Conference in Palo Alto last Thursday. Great conference, engaged crowd and lots of questions. Thanks to co-founder and executive director Ritu Sharma and co-founder Darian Heyman for their tireless work putting it all together.

Related Resources:

Defamation – Publishing Information that Harms Another's Reputation (Digital Media Law Project)

Facebook firings – NLRB AGC Report (May 30, 2012) – includes sample employee social media policy

Intellectual property infringement – Copyright & Fair Use Basics for Nonprofits (Public Counsel)

Charitable registration - The Unified Registration Statement

Advocacy – Influencing Public Policy in the Digital Age (Alliance for Justice)

Ownership of social media accounts - Writer Sued for his Twitter Followers Settles Case (Mashable)

Damage control - Case Study: American Red Cross Twitter Faux Pas (The Fundraising Journal)

Miscellaneous - Does Your Organization Have Social Media Guidelines for All Staff? (Beth Kanter)

Social Media for Nonprofits SlideShare channel (207 SlideShares and counting)